Voted Best Senior Living Community in Will County

Collaborating to create a new newspaper – The Timbers Times

Press Reporters Look at the Timbers Times

Several residents of the Timbers of Shorewood launched a grassroots newspaper called The Timbers Times. They planned, managed, and wrote the first issue of the eight-page paper. Volume 1, Issue 1 came out in June 2021. The newspaper is “resident run and full of fun.”

Published monthly, the Timbers Times is full of interesting articles, trivia, Wii sports, brain teasers, jokes, updates, and Fun Facts. On the front page are the names of new residents. Colorful graphics enhance the publication.

The residents who run The Timbers Times are Betty Wirth, Lucy Hoffman, Dorothy Brumbaugh, Geri Martinez, Wendy Wyss, and Velma Albert.

Betty Wirth, a Timbers resident since 2019, writes a column called “Wirth Reading.” Her first column featured 101-year-old Jean Thuringer who refuses to take elevators, preferring stair-climbing.

Wirth is reviving her career as a journalist. While she and her husband were raising six children, she worked for the Joliet Herald News. In between children, she wrote features, articles, and columns, and later, she was the copy editor and headline writer. She retired officially in 1991 at age 65. Later, she was back working parttime and writing a column about seniors.

Betty is a perfect fit for the Timbers Times, although she is adamant the entire team brings an abundance of strengths and talents.

“It’s a real team effort,” Wirth said. “We have weekly meetings to discuss the upcoming issue.”

An employee spotlight by Lucy Hoffman featured Diane Pfoser who is the Timbers’ bus driver. Resident Dorothy Brumbaugh contributed news about the “Timbers Literary and Fine Wine Society, aka the book club.

There’s information about a new Beginners Sign Language class, and “Wendy Woo’s Garden Corner” by Wendy Wyss, and Geri Martinez writes a column featuring highlights from the Wii Bowling League.

The Timbers of Shorewood is a rental retirement community which provides independent and assisted living apartments and a full schedule of activities and services. Furnished apartments are also available for a short-term stay – a weekend, a week, a month or longer.

For more information, call 815-609-0669.